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16 April 2011

Build Your Own Personal Brand Image

“What in the heck is a personal brand image and why do you need one?” 

Your brand is what makes you, uniquely you. It’s the important factors that make you different from everyone else. “It’s what makes you stand out!!” People with solid brand images attract a following and quickly become leaders in their field.

Don King has his hair, Superman has his cape, Linus has his blanket, Dolly has her big… voice, Teller has his silence, Elton John has his glasses. Each of these individuals stand out from the crowd because of a brand image. There is something about them that you remember! Do you have a brand image, a style of your own, or are you just part of the crowd? Would anyone remember you if they only met you for a moment?

Stand out from the crowd and you will be remembered. Your brand does not even have to be physical. Your brand could be that you give the fastest service with a smile or you do the best job and always throw in a bonus. Those type of things can become your brand if you stick to them and people know they can rely on them.

Here are 3 people with easily recognized great brand images in the technology/marketing field. These people are leaders in their fields, they clearly know their markets and they have personalities that are assets to their business and can easily engage others.

1) Gary Vaynerchuk – Wine reviewer, author, marketer – loud, fast talking, says what’s on his mind and likes to cuss.
2) Seth Godin – Author, Linchpin, marketer – bald, quiet, understated.
3) Steve Jobs – CEO, Founder, innovator – black sweater, jeans, tennis shoes, great speaker and motivator.

More examples to come. Find your brand and you’ll be on your way to rising above the crowd!

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